Blogging with Tristan
Even if you don’t watch television very much, other than to catch up on your favorite dramas or comedies, you probably know that reality TV has taken over the airwaves. Since the 1980s, local networks have been producing and adapting reality shows but it only boomed during the late 90s. Now, it’s all everyone can talk about especially in social media. Millions and millions of people turn in every week to watch reality. From the statistics, its mostly women watching reality TV. Let be honest, I used to watch as a guilty pleasure. I need a little drama in life. As I have grown over the years, I started to watch less of the reality trash. And as much as I indulged in my fair share of reality television, I decided enough was enough. And boy, am I glad I made that decision. Yes, reality TV is damaging to our society. And all of it is fake. But for some reason you keep tuning in week after week. What’s wrong with you? We already know the whole theory that it’s like watching a car crash. But why keep being part of the problem? Here, we run down 3 reasons reality TV still has everyone feeling like Pookie and Nookie. 1.Reality shows are not representative of reality: Although they try their damnedest to look like real life, reality TV shows are the furthest from reality that you can get. Yes, they cast “real “people instead of professional actors as characters, but other than that, reality TV shows are completely scripted. Black women are making money off of being “drama queens” on shows like Basketball Wives, even if they’re not really that bad (or that extra) in real life. 2. Miss representation shows ugly side of women and men in our society: seeing beautiful, talented, broken, misunderstood, hurt women and invite me and millions of other Americans into scripted portions of their lives to judge, suck our teeth in disdain, laugh uncontrollably, whatever – as long as we were watching. A number of the reality television programs today promote selfishness. Every cast member wants to be the star, and will do almost anything to achieve that goal. Of course, the producers of the show promote this behavior because it makes for “interesting” TV, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. 3. The media is already distracting us from what is important, we all at least should know better than watching shows that won’t benefit us in any way. Do the world a favor, drop the remote and read a book instead. Trash reality tv doesn’t hold an place in my entertainment schedule anymore. I’m looking toward what uplifts, motivates, inspires and showcases folks who have or are walking the same path as me. To each her own. But I’ve given positivity a permanent home.
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Why Dare to Dream Big?![]() A person who dreams big is an ordinary person. What makes them extraordinary is that they find the courage, heart, and discipline to make that dream come true. They go after their dreams despite the naysayers. The problem is that we forget that we can do the same. Within each of us is a core of goodness, wisdom, and heart that has been there from the start. Yet as the years go by disappointment and criticism turn into fears, doubts, and anxieties that obscure this essence. Then of course we can’t go out in public with our inadequacies hanging out, so we hide them behind our I’m happy, just fine face. My name is Tristan Jackson, through my website I want to inspire you!! My purpose for this blog's, websites, and book's is to inspire people to achieve their dreams in spite of adversity. I will be posting motivational quotes, bible verses, and college tips!! My story: My life is a story of faith, hope, perseverance, survival, love, heartbreak, compassion, triumphs, and failures. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter, sorrow, sun or rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas!! I was raised in a small low income neighborhood near downtown Houston called Fourth Ward. I will never forget where I came from, Fourth Ward, but I just tend to set my mind more on where I’m headed. I have learned that you must think outside of the box to obtain greatness. Why dare to dream big? As we go through life, it’s easy to get caught up in the status quo. You start to believe that average is acceptable and that since others are settling, then it’s ok to do the same. As soon as you notice this start to happen, something must be done to snap out of it! Because the world needs you to put your gifts to work — we’re in a mess and we need your help. Everything and everybody counts. Plus dreaming big is the fastest track to personal transformation and learning to make the next big dream come true. |
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