Blogging with Tristan
What is the one true obstacle we all must face down as entrepreneurs? Overcoming fear. Keeping the faith. Not throwing in the towel when it gets hard. Entrepreneur or not, life tests us. We receive challenges every day in the form of things not going quite as we had planned -- and that’s the lesson, you can plan, but you can’t really plan.
It starts with your thoughts: The key is not letting your thoughts get in the way of where you want to go. The key is staying so motivated that nothing can sway you -- including the prospect of failure. We’ll all face down failure at one point or another. We might also face down exhaustion, confusion, curve balls, and many moments where stopping seems tempting. However, if there is one muscle that is absolutely imperative to strengthen, no matter who you are or what you’re doing, it’s your faith in yourself. Recognize how far you’ve come. What are you doing if you’re not living, and living fully? I’ll let you answer that. Reflecting back, recognize what you’ve accomplished. Use that as inspiration to keep going. You’ve overcome hardship before, you’ll do it again. Get grateful. Complaining is a pretty common thing. “It’s hard.” “I don’t want to.” “I’m tired.” While I support listening to your needs and taking great care of yourself, sometimes you just have to jump the hurdle one leg at a time and be grateful that you have legs at all. We make a lot of excuses. Ninety percent of the time they’re cop-outs for fear. That little voice in your head that tells you to give up? That’s your ego. You can easily put it in time-out by shifting your perspective. List some things you’re grateful for. Write them down. Say them out loud. Tell someone you’re grateful for them. Appreciate everything that you have, and you’ll realign with your readiness to receive a whole lot more. Keep complaining, and you’ll keep yourself stuck. Know where you’re going: Have a clear vision or idea of what the outcome of the project is going to look like once you’ve completed it. Having a clear and specific aim helps to keep you focused as you work through the project, and can be especially valuable when you hit any doubts or challenges. Commit to it: Commit to your Dreams and don’t get sidetracked by other ideas or requests. Every day spend time doing something that takes you towards your end goal, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Trust in the process: One of the biggest challenges I’ve had is the belief that I have to be 100% clear about a project before I can start on it. Sometimes you just have a burning desire to do something but don’t have all the steps to get there. Then trust that you will be given the knowledge, tools and resources that you need to help move you along the path to where you want to go.
Life can be hard at times! It has it ups and down! I juggle a lot! My plate is running over! Don’t Settle for Mediocrity in your life! Halfway. Good enough. Let’s settle.I can’t.This is the end of the road. I quit. These words should not be in our vocabulary. Heck, they shouldn’t be in our daily living vocabulary. If you have used one or more than one of the above words – I’d like to challenge you to excellence. Yes, EXCELLENCE! Because let’s get real, we don’t want or need mediocrity. Period. There is a startling trend in our culture to accept and settle for mediocrity. People take jobs they hate, settle in relationships, give up on educational dreams, etc. In life, we can easily fall into complacency. I know, that I will reach my goals! Spoiler alert! We’ve got the greatest, most awesome news in the world to share – and we’re the people God has entrusted to share that news with and to so many who desperately needs to hear it. Let’s not settle for a mediocre lifestyle. Excellence awaits us. The way to embrace the highest level of excellence is to refuse to settle. Don’t agree that good enough is good enough, and most of all – ask God where He wants you to go. So, I will continue to try new things! Think about it. There are huge businesses dedicated to making people better. It’s like we need a cheer squad just to get up in the morning. Mediocrity is the most potent, most accessible drug there is. Your body, mind, and everyone around you will fill you with heavy doses of it. It is the most widespread phenomena on the planet. Do not join the wave of “okay”. Be, dream, do, and create something that was meant to rise above. Because you are far from mediocre. Every path you take will leave you with something. All you have to do is start running. There is not a secret to getting ahead. There’s not a trick to doing what you want to do. Guess what? Now is the time to make a difference. It’s time to get to work. If you are 35, guess what? It’s time to get your life in order. Do things you wish you always had. It’s time to get to work. If you are 65, guess what? You aren’t mediocre either. It’s time to start whatever you’ve been scared of for so long. It’s time to get to work. You can be extraordinary whether you are 72 or 20 Mediocrity cannot be outrun. It cannot be escaped. It will be everywhere you go in the future. It beckons, with calls sweeter than ever, reminding you how much easier things are when you keep your expectations low. Mediocrity cannot be defeated. It can only be outworked!! Get booked! or [email protected]
Last week, we spent the most beautiful week in the Caribbean. It was a truly dreamy little escape from life. The Cayman Islands are absolutely beautiful, I’d like to tell you about my trip, and hopefully inspire you to visit this beautiful country. They say #CaymanKind, and they mean that the people of the islands are welcoming; I found this to be very true. During the evening, we did what everyone should do in Grand Cayman – watched the gorgeous sunset over Seven Mile Beach. My mission is to see first-hand why the Cayman Islands are regarded as the world’s friendliest islands and one of the best destinations for family travel. We’re guests of the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism. Diving into the planning process revealed much more than crystal clear blue water. Things to do in Grand Cayman include bucket list experiences for us from riding swimming ponies bareback to kayaking bioluminescent bays. And, that’s just the beginning as our itinerary will reveal. We flew from Houston to Miami, I found tickets for 60. I found a great set of flights on Southwest Airlines that departs Fort Lauderdale for $71 dollars! it does take a full day to get to the Caribbean from the West Coast but it’s always so worth it. We fly back to Houston via American Airlines, which was 200 dollars! The hotel was nice and offered free Breakfast. We saved over 400.00 dollars with this trip. We also spent the day at Cayman Turtle Farm. It a must stop, when you visit. It’s an internationally renowned research and conservation centre for sea turtles that also provides up-close experiences for guests. I read they’ve bred and released over 31,000 turtles to date. We’ll take a tour and snorkel with the turtles. Our hotel, offered discounts to the local restaurants! The Cayman Islands are one of the most picturesque locations in the Caribbean, popular with vacationers and cruise-goers alike. In other words, visiting Grand Cayman is a truly relaxed vacation, and not our normal style of go-go-go travel! Cayman seems dissimilar to other places we’ve visited in the Caribbean. Grand Cayman is safer and its cities are better-developed, for starters. While over 2 million people visit the Cayman Islands each year, it feels less touristy than other Caribbean islands. There’s much more to Grand Cayman than the tourist side, and even the areas of heavy development don’t have that vibe to them. One thing that strikes me about Grand Cayman is its diversity: expats slightly outnumber native Caymanians. This is true even in the tourism sector, and it a point that’s illustrated by Rum Point. There, a sign post shares the origin of the staff and crew at the businesses, and a dozen or so countries are represented, including locations in Europe and Australia. This seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, elsewhere in Grand Cayman, too. Get booked |
August 2022
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