Blogging with Tristan
![]() “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.” ~Unknown There are certain events that can rock us to the core: starting a new job, moving across the country, ending a relationship, and starting a new business. God gives each us a seed. Everyone seed is different. Should not focus on their seed. We must take care of the seed. It’s simple; you can’t have a garden without planting a seed. In the natural realm we’d laugh at people expecting a crop without planting seed. We MUST plant a seed to have a harvest. We should not allow other people to plant seeds of negative in our lives. What is planting a seed? It’s the simple act of setting something into motion that will help you create the life you want to lead. It’s taking a moment of sorrow and realizing that you can use it to fuel you. That why it so important, to have a vision for your life. When planting the seed, expect rain. Sometimes, you will need go back and check on the seed. The process is going to be messy and uncertain at times, but know you are not alone in this. Everyone who takes the risk, who digs out and creates a new path, is going to experience this uncertainty. If you want the road that is perfectly smooth, void of bumps or roadblocks, then stay in that safe cubicle. The learning and growing is in the process, as well as the experiences and relationships created along the way. The font of a seed package is a lot like your Vision. Without it, you’re working hard towards a goal that you can’t define. Many people can’t explain where they are headed to their friends, family, or even themselves. If you don’t have a clearly defined plan, it’s not too late. Now is the time to rethink your garden, and plant the right seeds. 1. Seeds take time to grow. A whole garden isn’t created overnight, and neither is a dream life. But, by focusing on the positives, and seeing the little seeds that start to peek out from the earth in the form of something new, we can start to see the progress we are making in our journey to start living the life we’ve always wanted. 2. Seeds must change to grow. A seed can’t stay a seed forever. When cared for with nourishing soil, rays of sunlight, and water, they change shape and start to become whatever it is they were meant to be. To really experience positive change, you too, must let go of your past and embrace the transformation that’s about to take place. Have confidence knowing you will take on a better form, even if it takes time. 3. When a seed flowers, everyone recognizes its beauty.After a seed undergoes a transformation and takes on a new form, everyone appreciates it for whatever it has to offer, whether it’s a smile-inducing sunflower or a crisp carrot. Each seed has something new, something more to contribute. And how did it get to this point? With time and a transformative change. Go out there and start planting seeds in your life, no matter how hard or pointless it may seem right now. With a little time, patience and hard work, what now seems like an empty dirt plot will be filled with beauty and growth. Just like a beautiful flower attracts butterflies, your life will be a magnet to the right kind of people that will truly make it one worth living. See you at the Vision Board Party on 11-11-17 at 4:00pm.
![]() Writing out your visions are very important. In the bible, its states write the vision and make it plain! A clear vision helps you pursue dreams and achieve goals; an idea of the future, a strong wish. Many successful people have visions not only for the business but for their personal life. I am going to be honest, I didn’t have a vision for life until I attend my first vision board party. Now I have a vision board, that I update regularly. You need to have a vision for your life. Pray over your vision. Get with like-minded individuals. A strong and current vision connects with your passions and greatest potentials. Regardless of what is going on in the world or challenges that present themselves, a vision helps you know what and why you are doing the things you are doing. Having a vision is most important in the path of your success in life. You feel much more valuable as a person when you set and achieve visions and goals. Here are 3 reasons why you need to create a vision board to set yourself up for success in 2018. 1. Vision boards make you think about what it is you really want. Creating a vision board forces you to make the time to sit and REALLY think about what it is you want from life. I’m sure you think about the things you want a lot, but do you really focus on them? A vision board forces you to go beyond casual thinking and focus on your goals and aspirations. 2. Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals. The reason that vision boards work so great is because you visually see them every day. Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do. When you see something that inspires you on a daily basis, you stay on track. Even when you face setbacks, that vision board will still be there ready to motivate you all over again. 4. Vision boards will get you all fired up emotionally. Seeing your vision board will help you passionately connect with your goals. It can help you notice opportunities or simply make you imagine what something may feel like. If you get fired up and passionate about something, it will spur you into action. Vision boards are fun. A vision board is a fun, risk-free, and stress-free way to unload your deepest, rawest morsels of inspiration without scrutinizing them. You don’t have to organize, analyze, or beautify your board. Just have fun and put it together. Change it up. Do what feels right to you. It doesn’t have to be organized or pretty. It just has to inspire you. A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now. A vision is important in all aspects of life; physically, emotional, corporately. Building your vision does not have to be difficult as long as you know exactly what it is you see for yourself in the future. See you on 11-11-17! TJInspires is having a vision board workshop on 11-11-2017 open to men and women! Yes, we are having a vision board party! You must RSVP! Happy Sunday! This week’s blog is simple Faith over Fear! On yesterday, we hosted our first co-ed book signing! I had been posting online via social media. I am going to be honest, I was going to cancel. I have little family support. People started to cancel. I was like how many people would show up to the event. So, the devil began whispering things to me like "God has forgotten about you", "You can't make it", "You may never reach this height", "Things will not work out", "Just give up". God whispered, where is your Faith. Fear sometimes paralyzes us, but faith sets us free. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way lately, especially since I’ve been dealing with launching TJInspires. God often calls us into the unknown and the uncomfortable situation. We can choose to have faith and endure all things like the Apostle Paul, or we can shy away in fear and attempt to run like Jonah. And we all know how that story ends: Jonah does God’s bidding in the end! And I believe every situation we find ourselves in has a purpose. God has a plan. Here is my Faith over Fear…… 1.Faith speaks words of truth to fear. Wherever you’re going in life, God goes with you. Tell your fear there is no where He can’t and won’t reach. When we’re sure we cannot do the task that lies before us, when we’re afraid our hearts will break or we will fail or we will disappoint, we have to cling to the truth. God knows we’re not enough and He will fill in the gaps. When we step out in faith, we do it knowing that we are not enough. That’s where the faith comes in. If we were everything we needed and wanted, what use would we have for God? 2.Fear is insidious, paralyzing us if we let it. It doesn’t prevent bad things from happening. It doesn’t make anything more secure. All fear really does is keep us from living the life that God intends for us. The book signing turned out perfectly! Countless people showed up! The venue was perfect! It was so much love and support in the building. I was like look at God! Life has purpose when we stop protecting the pretty veneer and use all 64 crayons to play with color on its pages. Focus on your faith, let God deal with the fear. God understands whatever that you are going through, and he is working right when you feel like nothing is happening. Don’t allow negative images to play in your mind, God has brought you through in the past and he would bring you through in the future. Surround yourself with people of faith who speak victory into you and make a decision each day to choose faith over fear. Venue: Monday is my Birthday! Many people don't make past the age of 21. I thank God for allowing me to year 32. The road to year 32, has not been a cake walk. Growing up in a negative environment, has impacted my life. So today, I have decided to do something for myself, and write a blog. I have imagined this blog for years. I have written for years and read a countless number of books. So, today I am welcoming you to my world. My world of fun, chaos, love and adventure. I hope you all join me in this journey!
August 2022
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