Blogging with Tristan
Happy Sunday! This week’s blog is simple Faith over Fear! On yesterday, we hosted our first co-ed book signing! I had been posting online via social media. I am going to be honest, I was going to cancel. I have little family support. People started to cancel. I was like how many people would show up to the event. So, the devil began whispering things to me like "God has forgotten about you", "You can't make it", "You may never reach this height", "Things will not work out", "Just give up". God whispered, where is your Faith. Fear sometimes paralyzes us, but faith sets us free. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way lately, especially since I’ve been dealing with launching TJInspires. God often calls us into the unknown and the uncomfortable situation. We can choose to have faith and endure all things like the Apostle Paul, or we can shy away in fear and attempt to run like Jonah. And we all know how that story ends: Jonah does God’s bidding in the end! And I believe every situation we find ourselves in has a purpose. God has a plan. Here is my Faith over Fear…… 1.Faith speaks words of truth to fear. Wherever you’re going in life, God goes with you. Tell your fear there is no where He can’t and won’t reach. When we’re sure we cannot do the task that lies before us, when we’re afraid our hearts will break or we will fail or we will disappoint, we have to cling to the truth. God knows we’re not enough and He will fill in the gaps. When we step out in faith, we do it knowing that we are not enough. That’s where the faith comes in. If we were everything we needed and wanted, what use would we have for God? 2.Fear is insidious, paralyzing us if we let it. It doesn’t prevent bad things from happening. It doesn’t make anything more secure. All fear really does is keep us from living the life that God intends for us. The book signing turned out perfectly! Countless people showed up! The venue was perfect! It was so much love and support in the building. I was like look at God! Life has purpose when we stop protecting the pretty veneer and use all 64 crayons to play with color on its pages. Focus on your faith, let God deal with the fear. God understands whatever that you are going through, and he is working right when you feel like nothing is happening. Don’t allow negative images to play in your mind, God has brought you through in the past and he would bring you through in the future. Surround yourself with people of faith who speak victory into you and make a decision each day to choose faith over fear. Venue:
10/16/2017 05:21:18 am
Awesome read! Stay encouraged
10/16/2017 05:22:04 am
Faith over Fear! Awesome
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