Blogging with Tristan
![]() College Success Game Plan: A Guide to Surviving & Succeeding in College Welcome to College Success 101 with TJInspires. This week topic is stay focused. College is hard and fun, but you must stay focused. What can you do to get and stay focused in class? Use these 4 tips to remove distractions and get focused! 1. Create to-do lists: Taking just 2 minutes to collect your thoughts in a list can make a tremendous difference, even in your ability to focus in class. Avoid having constant anxiety by writing down the tasks you need to complete. You will find your mind more relaxed. If you are “old school,” take out a piece of paper and create an old-fashioned to do list. Or carry around a stack of Post-its®. Making a list and then crossing items off as they are completed, can be quite satisfying. Planners, calendars, lists and other organizational helpers will become your best friend - if you allow them to. 2. Stay off your phone, social media, and get focused: You rarely misplace your phone but when you do you have a minor panic attack. You might not realize how attached you are to your phone and social media, and you’re not alone in this sometimes-unhealthy attachment. Modern society almost demands students are constantly accessible by a text, call, email, or message. This connectedness can be an incredibly helpful thing, but sometimes being constantly available by phone can be a bad thing too, especially in class. For many college students, checking social media favorites like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok has become a reflexive habit. Just keep reminding yourself that you don’t need to check these sites every time you use the computer or your phone for school or work. 3. Get into a routine A great way to stay focused is to be in the habit of staying focused. Figure out how and when you work best. Even take note of where you seem to concentrate the most effectively. Are you focused the most in the morning in your room, at night in the library, or after class drinking coffee? Look ahead and set a schedule for yourself so that you always have a time and place to be productive. 4. Reward yourself and enjoy college: Think you deserve some credit if you follow these tips and meet your goals? You do! There’s nothing like a little reward to keep your motivation up. Think little things at first. Say you need to start working on an essay—you might decide to gift yourself a tasty treat once you get the paper outlined. Don’t take a bite out of that cookie until you’ve met your stipulation though; you will only be cheating yourself in the end! And don’t go overboard by thinking up too many rewards for yourself, but do think of nice ways to give yourself a break after making good progress. Remember to Eat well, stay hydrated, and sleep! You probably think you don’t need to be reminded to do this; after all, you have to eat, drink water, and sleep to live. However, in college, not everyone does these things properly. Staying hydrated is good for your overall health, but it also helps improve your concentration. Resources that you get familiar with: Tutoring Center: Many students will need a little help at some point in their college career. Students should locate and explore the tutoring center before he/she needs it. Finding out what services are offered, how to sign up, how much advance notice is needed, will help him/her be prepared. Often, some of the best students are the ones who use the services of an academic support center to raise that grade just a notch higher. Library: YES, this will be your most frequented place for the next four years. It seems obvious that students should know where the library is, but some students never take advantage of this resource. Visit the library to check out what it has to offer. In addition to the books on the shelves, the library offers a quiet place to study or just get away from it all, movies and magazines. Academic Advisor The most important office on campus is your Academic Advisor’s office. Yes, this one tip should have been told to me while I was in high school. An academic advisor’s primary job is to ensure that you are aware of every opportunity available to you. From day one, you should have a close relationship with your academic advisor. You will need to see them at least twice per semester. Tristan Jackson-College Success Founder... Youtube: TJInspires Social media: TJInspires
Hello, its TJInspires is back with a new blog. This blog will focus on self-care. It took me 34 years, to learn to take of me. We must take care of ourselves. With COVID-19, going on we are taking on more tasks. This at times can be very stressful. We are pulled and stretched in so many different areas we must take care of ourselves! We are so many things for so many people that if we aren’t careful, we will be trying to pour from an empty cup. Pouring from an empty cup is not beneficial for you are or any of the people that you are connected to. I had to learn this the hard way. I struggle with anxiety and depression. It made me so afraid to speak up and speak out about it that it completely silenced me for years. For a very long time I was full of anxiety, depression, fear, anger, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. Everything was hurting me emotionally, mentally and physically! Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Also, self-care is necessary to remind yourself and others that you and your needs are important too. ... ensures that you stay sharp, motivated and healthy. This month, at TJInspires we are focusing on self-care. Do not hold your emotions in. Release! Release! It is normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed during uncertain times. Emotions in response to uncertainty may include anxiety, fear, anger and sadness. You also could feel helpless, discouraged and, occasionally, out of control. Physical responses may include headache, muscle tension, fatigue and sleeplessness. Taking care of yourself is important so you are equipped to help your family through this time. 1.Meditate 2. Develop Your Self-Care Plan: Self-care isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy. Your self-care plan will need to be customized to your needs. A self-care plan for a busy college student who feels mentally stimulated all the time and has a bustling social life might need to emphasize physical self-care. On the other hand, a retired person may need to incorporate more social self-care into their schedule to make sure that their social needs are being met. 3. Reading: It calms us down. When we're feeling anxious and overwhelmed, the best cure to calm our nerves is in a book. Research conducted by the University of Sussex showed that reading decreases stress levels by 68%. It also helps reduce your heart rate and release muscle. 4. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! 5. Learn to say No! 6. Do something you love! Self-Care is not Selfish! Take care of yourself. Be sure to follow TJInspires. Remember Self-Care is one of the self-care activities that people have the most trouble with. Between work and your personal life, it feels like you’re always saying “yes” when people ask you for something. If you’re feeling run down or spread thin, grant yourself the ultimate luxury: downtime. God uses every experience as preparation for our purpose. Welcome back to my blog! Be sure to check out Subscribe to TJInspires on all social media platforms.
This week’s blog is about consistency. I started my business in 2015. I started doing gift baskets and release my first book entitled Dream the Impossible. Throughout the years, I have had many failures and successes. I wear many hats and my plate is full. I have always prayed over my businesses. I stop doing gift baskets in 2016. My focus was writing and school. Through out my, journey I have let fear win. Fear of the unknown, and lack of support. In 2017, I decided to start TJInspires. Fast-track to 2020, with Covid-19, I wanted to start a new business. Why, would you start a new business in middle of a world crisis. Go read my book, Faith over Fear: Demond and I, decided to start Inspired_Scentz. Since 2015, I have released over 10 books. Never give up! Keep pushing and praying! Inspired_Scentz is aromatherapy business. We have soy wax candles, wax-melts, room sprays, and bath salts. I call, it the Black version of Bath and Body works. Thanks, to Demond Alverez for pushing me and not letting me give up! Sales for Inspired_Scentz and the books have sky-rocketed during the month of June. All Glory belongs to God! Consistency is the key to success. Consistency is the key to success. Consistency leads to habits. Habits form the actions we take every day. Action leads to success. Trust the process: One of the biggest challenges I’ve had is the belief that I have to be 100% clear about a project before I can start on it. Sometimes you just have a burning desire to do something but don’t have all the steps to get there. Then trust that you will be given the knowledge, tools and resources that you need to help move you along the path to where you want to go. Find out works best for your business. Consistency is far more important that you can imagine. Being consistent allows you to establish awareness, build trust and deliver your services efficiently and profitably. Without it, your business is more likely to fail.
Try something new. This is no big mystery: you never know if you'll like something until you're brave enough to try. Don't overwhelm yourself by biting off more than you can chew; break your main goal into smaller goals or milestones that you can accomplish along your way. Don’t be afraid: What do you have to lose? It takes courage to try something new. You aren’t going to be an expert at something right off the bat, so learn to check your ego at the door and just have fun! For this business, I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him! Run your business according to the Word of God. Respect your customers, serve them well, go above and beyond, never wish badly on someone, always bless even in the face of persecution. Business Success Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you that your word enlightens my eyes, purifies my soul and preserves me for eternal life. Your word says that I can do all things through you who strengthens me. Please give me the strength I need to succeed in business. Bless my work with prosperity for my good and for your glory. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden my heart and bring peace to my soul, today and for all days. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Tristan Number 1 book, Wake Pray Hustle Repeat Dream the Impossible Black Girl Magic We also have a $5.00 raffle. How to Stay Focused When You Feel Like Giving Up.....
What is the one true obstacle we all must face down as entrepreneurs? Overcoming fear. Keeping the faith. Not throwing in the towel when it gets hard. Entrepreneur or not, life tests us. We receive challenges every day in the form of things not going quite as we had planned -- and that’s the lesson, you can plan, but you can’t really plan. It starts with your thoughts: The key is not letting your thoughts get in the way of where you want to go. The key is staying so motivated that nothing can sway you -- including the prospect of failure. We’ll all face down failure at one point or another. We might also face down exhaustion, confusion, curve balls, and many moments where stopping seems tempting. However, if there is one muscle that is absolutely imperative to strengthen, no matter who you are or what you’re doing, it’s your faith in yourself. Recognize how far you’ve come. What are you doing if you’re not living, and living fully? I’ll let you answer that. Reflecting back, recognize what you’ve accomplished. Use that as inspiration to keep going. You’ve overcome hardship before, you’ll do it again. Get grateful. Complaining is a pretty common thing. “It’s hard.” “I don’t want to.” “I’m tired.” While I support listening to your needs and taking great care of yourself, sometimes you just have to jump the hurdle one leg at a time and be grateful that you have legs at all. We make a lot of excuses. Ninety percent of the time they’re cop-outs for fear. That little voice in your head that tells you to give up? That’s your ego. You can easily put it in time-out by shifting your perspective. List some things you’re grateful for. Write them down. Say them out loud. Tell someone you’re grateful for them. Appreciate everything that you have, and you’ll realign with your readiness to receive a whole lot more. Keep complaining, and you’ll keep yourself stuck. Know where you’re going: Have a clear vision or idea of what the outcome of the project is going to look like once you’ve completed it. Having a clear and specific aim helps to keep you focused as you work through the project, and can be especially valuable when you hit any doubts or challenges. Commit to it: Commit to your Dreams and don’t get sidetracked by other ideas or requests. Every day spend time doing something that takes you towards your end goal, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Trust in the process: One of the biggest challenges I’ve had is the belief that I have to be 100% clear about a project before I can start on it. Sometimes you just have a burning desire to do something but don’t have all the steps to get there. Then trust that you will be given the knowledge, tools and resources that you need to help move you along the path to where you want to go. I started TJInspires in 2015, starting a business is challenging enough, but it can be more difficult if your family or friends doesn’t support you. I know you’re out there grinding and making it happen. You’re putting in the work every day. I’m sure giving it 100%. The results may not be there yet, but I know you’ll get there. I believe in your hard work, perseverance, and grit.
Before we move forward! I do not expect my family or friends, to support everything. But with social media, it only takes a second to leave a comment, repost, or tag. I Thank God for everyone who has supported TJInspires! Thank You! Thank God for my Mom, Dad, Demond, and Chawona. Thanks for pushing and motivating me to keep moving forward. 1. Recognize authentic friendships. When beginning your entrepreneurial journey, acknowledge that you become a product of the 3 people you spend the most time with. Authentic friends will support your goals and help you move forward. If you see people around you not showing support -- acknowledge it and move on with your life. With the positivity you bring, the right people will cross your path. 2. Do It Anyway!History is littered with success stories of people who did things against their family's wishes. Do you think Steve Jobs' parents were happy when they dropped out of school to build computers (remember, at this time, most computers were the size of Mack trucks, so the idea that every home would have one was nuts!). Do you think Mary Kay's family wondered about how she was going to make a living selling cosmetics from her kitchen table? If your family is holding you back, figure out why. Maybe one of the suggestions above can help change their attitude. But if not, maybe you just do it anyway. Sometimes, people need to see to believe. 3.CUT THEM OUT! List all the people who are hateful, negative, and always pulling you down, and cut them out completely. As an entrepreneur, or just someone who’s trying to get their life together, it’s better to remove these draining people. 4. Keep Moving FORWARD! KEEP PRAYING! God will give you everything you need! 5. Don’t give up. Once you quit, it is never quite the same. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or your life, you are in charge of your choices. Giving up may enter your mind, but find some way to keep going, even if you have to do things a little differently. 6. Remember, it’s not a race. If you do just one thing a day, you will reach your goal. Sometimes even doing that one thing can seem overwhelming, and if so, just get started and you can always give yourself the weekend off. Pretty soon, you will find that doing this work to get to the next level of your life is actually rewarding, and you will start to feel better. 7. Even making a little progress can go a long way. The key is to stick with what you’ve started. It’s kind of like writing a book. In the beginning, you have an idea, or maybe several, but by writing one page at a time, you will complete the book and feel pretty great about yourself. Wake Pray Hustle Repeat... AUTHOR’S NOTEFrom the Desk of Tristan Jackson Dear Dreamer, Thank you so much for the support and purchasing Wake-Hustle-Pray-Repeat. Get ready for the roller coaster of going after your dreams. Whether you are 10, 15, 20, 35, 45, 65, or 105, we all have dreams and aspirations. On my journey, I have had many failures and successes in which I have learned an abundance. Please be aware that not everyone will support your dreams, not even your family or friends. Expect rain and delays. Keep pushing and praying. Keep promoting and posting. Seek out every opportunity. Following your dreams might take unexpected turns, but those are the interesting and memorable challenges of living the dream. Dreams make you take chances, but chances can bring more opportunities. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) Remember: Wake-Pray-Hustle-Repeat ![]() My name is Tristan Jackson, my pen name is TJInspires! I have always been a Dreamer! A first generational everything! I live in Houston, Texas. A person who dreams big is an ordinary person. What makes them extraordinary is that they find the courage, heart, and discipline to make that dream come true. They go after their dreams despite the naysayers. Life is full of setbacks. Sometimes, you’ll give your best effort and still fall flat on your face. This is especially true in the entrepreneurial world, where many new businesses fail to make a profit. You might find yourself in a situation where you can’t get any investors for your brand. Or maybe you didn’t understand current workplace trends and as a consequence, high turnover brought your business crashing down. A first generational small business owner! I run an online Inspirational Boutique! I also deal with anxiety and depression! My purpose for everything, I do is to inspire people to achieve their dreams in spite of adversity. My life is a story of faith, hope, perseverance, survival, love, heartbreak, compassion, triumphs, and failures. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter, sorrow, sun or rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth; it was made of white plastic. I was born into the drug life. I knew God had a better plan for my life and was determined to break the generational curses. My lifelong lesson has been to find my own identity in this sometimes crazy and very harsh world. For much of my life, I kept secrets because of shame. I was called the dark child, dumb, ugly, and stupid. I never had friends to hang out with. I feared bringing people to my house. I feared that if people really knew me, they would reject me. My home was not the one seen on a television screen. Throughout a person’s life, they are faced with different obstacles and challenges. My life in particular has been full of ups and downs related specifically to wanting a better future. Despite all of the obstacle and challenges, in my life. I was able to graduate high school, college with a Bachelors and Masters degree. Currently in school to pursue my Doctoral Degree from Texas Southern University. Trust God with everything! Never Give Up on Yourself! Everything in our lives happens that way for His reason. "Trust in him at all times, oh people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us." The Good News: It's easy to trust God when things are going well, but we must believe in Him in all times — good or bad. He will be there for us through it all! God will turn the bad into good! TJInspires is an online Inspirational Boutique! We have Inspirational and Motivational books, children books, and educational books. A self-published inspirational author, I began writing in 2012. In August 2015, I release my first book: Dream the Impossible. Since 2015, I have released 10 books. God has allowed me to travel the world, inspiring everyone to never give up on their Dreams! In May 2020, I launched #Inspired_Scentz, currently in stock we have candles, and wax melts. We send positive vibes through our scents. We specialize in relaxation, peace, and calm. Two Tips… 1. Do not give up! Not giving up on yourself won’t just make a difference in your own life, it could completely change things for others. You could even serve as an inspiration for others who learn from your success story and use it to get through their own dark times. If you give up now, there’s no telling what the world could miss out on. Many people who have changed the world would never have made their impact if they’d chosen to give up after earlier failures. Staying true to your dreams could transform the world for the better, but only if you refuse to give up on yourself. 2. Keep Moving! Keep Going! Sometimes, it may seem like the only thing keeping you going is positive self-talk. But no matter how hard things get or how much others refuse to believe in you, you control your own destiny. I pray through my books, academic advising, speaking and in helping others. I wants to inspire everyone to reach their dreams. I wants to reach the silent voices in the world that are searching for hope. A witness to God’s favor and knowing how to rise above every situation. My message is about Perseverance & Never Giving Up! Amazon: Tristan Jackson Social Media: TJInspires/ YouTube: TJInspires Guest Blogger:
Demond Alverez: #soulfofaman504 Most of us gave up on believing in fairy tale endings and in our dreams coming true at a very young age. You may have been told by a parent or teacher to get your head out of the clouds. Today Blog is presented by Demond Alverez! Take the leap of Faith! Believe in Yourself! Consistency is the key! Follow TJInspires-Youtube TJInspires Demond Alverez:#soulofaman504 BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF YOUR DREAMS With persistence, patience, and a positive attitude your dreams can come true. Your dream may sound crazy to others and boy will they tell you, but once you get behind your ideas whole heartedly the universe will conspire to make it happen. Believe in the power of your dream because it is the essence of who you are. We were each born with a unique purpose. If you do not yet know your purpose that is ok. Pursue your passions. They will all come around when they see your commitment and dedication. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Believe in the good of humanity. Believe in the power of the UNIVERSE. Allow yourself to follow your passion. Shift your mindset and create healthy habits. All things are possible when you believe. This week, Social media went bananas over this chicken sandwich! Popeyes chicken sandwich is an economic indicator. If we could support business in our community like this chicken sandwich. Support mom and pop stores. The dollars we have are powerful! The powerful of social media is powerful. I challenge you this week and forever to support a small business. How can we create raving fans on social media?
Small Businesses Support Your Local Community If you’ve ever balked at giving your money to a large corporation, small businesses are the way to go. Spending your money with a small business often will keep the money within your community. Small, local business owners are more likely to form partnerships with other local businesses, join the rotary club, sponsor the local soccer team and the school districts, and will make a point to give back to the community – after all, they likely live there too. Today, there are a reported 29.6 million small businesses operating in the U.S. alone, but only half of new businesses will survive past 5 years. Competition from chains, skyrocketing brick and mortar leases, and struggles getting website traffic all contribute. Small businesses are important to the economic and social fabric of our society, though, and we all play a part in their survival. My journey started in 2014, I started off doing gift baskets! Yes, God called to open my own business! Yes, everything was going to fall in place! NOT! NOT! In 2015, I released my first book Dream the Impossible! Yes, God I have the plan! The plan was to sell over 150 books! Not! Entrepreneurship can be a tough and long journey for many people. Some get lucky and succeed the first time. For me, that wasn't the case. I have success! I have also had failures! Keep going! I continue to learn and grow. Along the way I picked up the following lessons that I now apply to each new business or project I am involved with. When going after your dreams, its such a roller coaster ride. Some days are great and some days are not so great! Like everyone else, I get down in the dumps sometimes, with life’s up and downs (and sometimes more downs than ups). The best is yet to come! Fight for your Dreams!In our society patience is not practiced. In our fast-paced society, we have been so accustomed to everything transpiring in an instant. Any delay is an inconvenience. Any inconvenience is unacceptable! Never give up on your Dreams! Keep pushing the Dream. 1. I don’t know about you, but I have this feeling that the best is yet to come, and that I can give my life a better go, just by giving an extra 10%. 2. THE BEST IS YET TO COME, so write down your goals both personally and professionally and keep lifting that benchmark. 3. Build a network of supporters! 4. Keep pushing the Dream! Celebrate small wins. Starting a business is hard, growing one is hard and running a one is hard. Doing this day in and day out can be tiresome. Sometimes I feel like I'm not winning or getting anywhere. Many people celebrate the big wins (when the needle really moves), but what about the small wins? In your short-term plan, identify small wins to celebrate. Avoid the notion that you have to land some fantastic, outstanding client or reach thousands of customers before celebrating. Rejoice over the first customer or transaction or over squashing a minor coding bug in a few days. Revel in the moment of pushing through three months. Recognizing small victories can boost your morale and provide a surge of energy. They may alleviate the stress that can drag you down. Fun times help you recognize successes even if they aren't earth-shattering. They provide you with the motivation to keep going. Nevertheless, I’m proud of making it as an entrepreneur this long, and most happy about the amazing connections I’ve made around the world … like you! However, I have reflected on this entrepreneurial journey and I’m challenging myself to do something out of my box today. I want to talk a little about what I did right in my 4 years as an entrepreneur. I normally dwell on mistakes and improvements I need to make, but today I want to tell you what worked, and maybe it will help you on your own entrepreneurial journey. Here are some tips: Take time to learn..Before I started my own company, I had no experience! But I had a LOT to learn about the routine and flow of being a business owner and the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. Be humble. Start small things that can lead to big things. Listen to people wiser than you, especially your customers. Give yourself time to adjust to being an entrepreneur. 2. Always keep your content fresh..When I started my business I experimented with blogging and published some posts when it seemed convenient. After about nine months, I realized that nearly all my new business benefits were coming through the blog and that I needed to get serious about it. From that point on, I created content on a consistent basis. This was a time before “content marketing” was a thing. For me, blogging was establishing a presence on the web that made a difference. My advice is to pick one channel and stick to it. Today a business is built on awareness that leads to trust, that leads to loyalty, and then, maybe, a purchase. There is no more effective way to start that process than through effective content creation, and there is really no shortcut to that formula. The benefits may not accrue for several years … but becoming known is really the only sustainable competitive advantage you have today and that has to come through some sort of content. Keep pushing your Dreams forward! Trust God through the process! My purpose for this blog's, websites, and book's is to inspire people to achieve their dreams in spite of adversity. I will be posting motivational quotes, bible verses, and college tips!! My journey: My life is a story of faith, hope, perseverance, survival, love, heartbreak, compassion, triumphs, and failures. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter, sorrow, sun or rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas!! I was raised in a small low income neighborhood near downtown Houston called Fourth Ward. I will never forget where I came from, Fourth Ward, but I just tend to set my mind more on where I’m headed. I have learned that you must think outside of the box to obtain greatness. Why dare to dream big? As we go through life, it’s easy to get caught up in the status quo. You start to believe that average is acceptable and that since others are settling, then it’s ok to do the same. As soon as you notice this start to happen, something must be done to snap out of it! Because the world needs you to put your gifts to work — we’re in a mess and we need your help. Everything and everybody counts. Plus dreaming big is the fastest track to personal transformation and learning to make the next big dream come true. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE! FAITH OVER FEAR! NEVER GIVE UP! Life can be crazy at times! The entrepreneurship journey can be hard at time! Do not let the journey claim your life. This past weekend, I took a trip to Detroit for a book signing. It was a weekend trip. During the trip, I did a little self-reflecting. If you are to reclaim your life, you need to take the time to ask yourself a few questions. Are you living your life the way you want to live it? Do you think you’re going through your day as your true self? Are you speaking with your authentic voice, or are you holding back out of fear of not being accepted? Stop holding back so you can reclaim your life.
1. Don’t Hold Back! Many of us struggle with the split between who we are and who we present to the world. We do this in order to fit in. We fear that our loved ones or peers will judge us for the things that we do or the ways that we want to be. So instead of being ourselves, we spend so much energy trying to fit into this mold of what everyone else expects of us. In this article, I will list four ways to reclaim your life. This will help you to approach everyday with the authenticity that you were born with. Do not let Fear win! Trust God through the process! 2. BE PRESENT AND THINK TO THE FUTURE When you think about the past and the type of person that you used to be, your motivation will instantly disappear. Instead, focus on where you are in your life right now and where you’ll be going next. Don’t be scared of this thought. Change allows for growth. Accept what once was and move on. You can’t change the past, but you are in control of where you are right now. You’re evolving as a person every single day without realizing it. Think of everything you’ve got to look forward to. 3. INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON THE GOAL, CONCENTRATE ON HOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET THERE Too often, we can lose our motivation because we think we’re never going to reach a goal. The truth is, we’re so focused on reaching it that we don’t think about what it’s going to take to get there. A key way to reclaim your life is to focus on the steps you’re going to take to reach your goal. Focusing on how you’re actually going to make that improvement in your life will leave you much more motivated. Each step forward you take, you’ll see that you’re getting ever close towards your end goal. 4. DON'T BE HARD ON YOURSELF Take your time. Be kind to yourself. Think about what you’re coming home to at the end of your work day. Even if you’re having a really bad time, there’s always something to be grateful for. Follow @tjinspires Give yourself permission to try and try again. Always believe in yourself. Learning how to believe in yourself will open up endless possibilities in your life. I find living to be a fascinating experience. How we’re all on earth with millions of species, 30,000 different life forms, and over 7 billion people, and everyone is thriving in their own way, existing, co-existing, and co-creating. There’s so much we don’t know out there and so much to be experienced that it’s just wonderful. As you live on earth, remember to love life. It’s the only way we have to live. For the month of AUGUST we focus on the topic RECLAIM Your Best Life, we will focus on living your best life! Why, because your time here on earth is limited! So enjoy life and live to the fullest! Now, go on out there and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE. Love you to the moon + back, Tristan Jackson The Entrepreneurship Journey requires Faith! I’d love to tell you that of you stay in Faith, if you believe, God will always answer your prayer within 24 hours. There are some things in life that you cannot fully understand until you experience them, and I would say the Entrepreneurship Journey. I knew it would be difficult, but I underestimated the difficulty and the depth of which the experience would penetrate my whole self and the ripple effect it would have on all aspects of my life.
It’s been a journey of entrepreneurship that God has unexpectedly used to work out my faith in ways I could have never imagined and didn’t even know I needed. In 2014, God called me out of my comfort zone and into a journey of entrepreneurship. In His wisdom and grace, He opened my eyes to a problem, gifted me an idea, and aligned the burden on our hearts to pursue a dream that would somehow glorify Him! TJInspires, was birthed in 2014. Prayer was the first order of business and we offered up our efforts and whatever the outcome of those efforts to God for His purpose and His glory. I have known and sought God my entire life, but the roller coaster of extreme highs and extreme lows of entrepreneurship has rocked my faith and I found myself often lost in valleys of uncertainty, fear, doubt and confusion literally crying out to the Lord for help. I was confident that God burdened our heart to pursue this dream, so why was it so difficult for me? Everyone called by God in the Bible was required to step out in faith and trust fully in the Lord. Consider Noah’s obedience in the face of extreme uncertainty, Abraham’s faithfulness to follow without knowing the way, David’s patience for the fulfillment of God’s promise of kingship, and so many others whose stories demonstrate the faith work that God accomplishes when we say yes to His calling. “It’s been a journey of entrepreneurship that God has unexpectedly used to work out my faith in ways I could have never imagined and didn’t even know I needed. Our Lord’s own brother James says: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 I consider the trials of entrepreneurship pure joy because they are testing my faith and by His grace I am persevering and growing more mature in my faith. I have learned to live in and accept a place of uncertainty and instability because in Jesus I choose to place my certainty and stability. I have learned to take risks and the Lord is using those risks to teach me what it means to truly trust in His provision. I have learned to stop striving and believing that through MY efforts alone I can control our success or failure. I have learned to seek His will, dig well the ditches He is asking me to dig, and trust that He will bring the rain. My journey is not yet complete. Whether God’s plan is that we achieve worldly success or experience worldly failure is still yet to be realized. But, whatever the outcome, I stand firmly in my faith and declare that it is well with my soul – and looking ahead from this new vantage point is worth every valley I’ve crossed along the way. Choose to keep believing and choose to accept his timing. Do not rush the process! Whether it’s twenty minutes or twenty years, knowing that what God promised He will bring to pass! Tristan Jackson Books: Today, I decide to step out! I took myself on a date. I realize this may sound super dorky. You're probably thinking that I must be pretty weird and very lonely. Interestingly enough, I was way lonelier before I started spending time alone. The feeling of being so uncomfortable in my skin and feeling like I needed to be around people all the time to take a deep breath -- that was loneliness. I just did it. And let go of trying to look "cool." Pulling out a Nike cliché here -- but "Just Do It." That was my approach. It's pretty awkward the first time you go to the movies alone and are sitting there and your bag is in the seat adjacent, and you're pretending to the others in the theater that your boyfriend is just getting refreshments and should be here shortly. Face it, you're just there alone. The awkwardness will pass -- and so will the fear of what other people think of your alone-time. Give up trying to look "cool" to others. Chances are, you'll never see these strangers again and they probably wish they could ditch the chatty Kathy they chose to see the movie with and be where you are. Make a list of your favorite things. And don't wait for anyone. I realized I should maybe start spending time alone when I had all these things I wanted to do but never did them because friends were always busy or had other plans. If your favorite band is playing a one-night only concert and none of your friends are free, don't lose the opportunity to do one of your dream activities. We could wait forever for other people to be available, and in the end realize we missed out on thing we love. Plus, making plans for one is a lot fewer back and forth texts (and damned group chats). So take out a piece of paper and make a list of every single thing you love to do but sometimes don't do because you don't have anyone to do it with. That excuse is no longer valid. Everyone’s talking about self-care. It’s all over social media as #selfcare and it’s popping up on blogs and in workshops. Self-care may be a trend, but it’s one that’s much needed! What is self-care, anyway? Self-care is exactly what it sounds like: taking care of oneself. It’s any activity or practice that’s embraced solely for the purpose of one’s well being. Self-care comes in all forms. Exercise, meditating, spending time in nature, oil pulling, or treating oneself to a facial. It’s not one specific practice, but anything done to nourish the body or mind. Take a self-care trip. Taking a self-care trip can make a huge difference in your life. Even if you’re not feeling particularly stressed, getting away for a weekend every now and then can help you disconnect, relax, and be rejuvenated. These self-care trips don’t have to be costly; simply drive to the next town over and see the sights, or go camping nearby. The goal is to veer away from your normal schedule and take the time to do something just for yourself. Take a self-care break by getting outside. Spending time outside can help you reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, and be more mindful. Studies have even shown that getting outside can help reduce fatigue, making it a great way to overcome symptoms of burnout. Getting outside can also help you sleep better at night, especially if you do some physical activity, like hiking or walking, while you are outside. In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to turn to our phones for entertainment or comfort, scrolling through news feeds that can contribute to our stress and anxiety rather than helping it. Instead, consider bringing a book with you when you leave the house. Even better, bring books on self-care, so that you can learn more about how to take care of yourself while you are taking care of yourself. You might be amazed at the difference it can make when you slow down instead of always looking at your phone. Not only can it help improve your mood, but it can also help you to stay more present and mindful. Tristan Jackson Books What is the one true obstacle we all must face down as entrepreneurs? Overcoming fear. Keeping the faith. Not throwing in the towel when it gets hard. Entrepreneur or not, life tests us. We receive challenges every day in the form of things not going quite as we had planned -- and that’s the lesson, you can plan, but you can’t really plan.
It starts with your thoughts: The key is not letting your thoughts get in the way of where you want to go. The key is staying so motivated that nothing can sway you -- including the prospect of failure. We’ll all face down failure at one point or another. We might also face down exhaustion, confusion, curve balls, and many moments where stopping seems tempting. However, if there is one muscle that is absolutely imperative to strengthen, no matter who you are or what you’re doing, it’s your faith in yourself. Recognize how far you’ve come. What are you doing if you’re not living, and living fully? I’ll let you answer that. Reflecting back, recognize what you’ve accomplished. Use that as inspiration to keep going. You’ve overcome hardship before, you’ll do it again. Get grateful. Complaining is a pretty common thing. “It’s hard.” “I don’t want to.” “I’m tired.” While I support listening to your needs and taking great care of yourself, sometimes you just have to jump the hurdle one leg at a time and be grateful that you have legs at all. We make a lot of excuses. Ninety percent of the time they’re cop-outs for fear. That little voice in your head that tells you to give up? That’s your ego. You can easily put it in time-out by shifting your perspective. List some things you’re grateful for. Write them down. Say them out loud. Tell someone you’re grateful for them. Appreciate everything that you have, and you’ll realign with your readiness to receive a whole lot more. Keep complaining, and you’ll keep yourself stuck. Know where you’re going: Have a clear vision or idea of what the outcome of the project is going to look like once you’ve completed it. Having a clear and specific aim helps to keep you focused as you work through the project, and can be especially valuable when you hit any doubts or challenges. Commit to it: Commit to your Dreams and don’t get sidetracked by other ideas or requests. Every day spend time doing something that takes you towards your end goal, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Trust in the process: One of the biggest challenges I’ve had is the belief that I have to be 100% clear about a project before I can start on it. Sometimes you just have a burning desire to do something but don’t have all the steps to get there. Then trust that you will be given the knowledge, tools and resources that you need to help move you along the path to where you want to go. Life can be hard at times! It has it ups and down! I juggle a lot! My plate is running over! Don’t Settle for Mediocrity in your life! Halfway. Good enough. Let’s settle.I can’t.This is the end of the road. I quit. These words should not be in our vocabulary. Heck, they shouldn’t be in our daily living vocabulary. If you have used one or more than one of the above words – I’d like to challenge you to excellence. Yes, EXCELLENCE! Because let’s get real, we don’t want or need mediocrity. Period. There is a startling trend in our culture to accept and settle for mediocrity. People take jobs they hate, settle in relationships, give up on educational dreams, etc. In life, we can easily fall into complacency. I know, that I will reach my goals! Spoiler alert! We’ve got the greatest, most awesome news in the world to share – and we’re the people God has entrusted to share that news with and to so many who desperately needs to hear it. Let’s not settle for a mediocre lifestyle. Excellence awaits us. The way to embrace the highest level of excellence is to refuse to settle. Don’t agree that good enough is good enough, and most of all – ask God where He wants you to go. So, I will continue to try new things! Think about it. There are huge businesses dedicated to making people better. It’s like we need a cheer squad just to get up in the morning. Mediocrity is the most potent, most accessible drug there is. Your body, mind, and everyone around you will fill you with heavy doses of it. It is the most widespread phenomena on the planet. Do not join the wave of “okay”. Be, dream, do, and create something that was meant to rise above. Because you are far from mediocre. Every path you take will leave you with something. All you have to do is start running. There is not a secret to getting ahead. There’s not a trick to doing what you want to do. Guess what? Now is the time to make a difference. It’s time to get to work. If you are 35, guess what? It’s time to get your life in order. Do things you wish you always had. It’s time to get to work. If you are 65, guess what? You aren’t mediocre either. It’s time to start whatever you’ve been scared of for so long. It’s time to get to work. You can be extraordinary whether you are 72 or 20 Mediocrity cannot be outrun. It cannot be escaped. It will be everywhere you go in the future. It beckons, with calls sweeter than ever, reminding you how much easier things are when you keep your expectations low. Mediocrity cannot be defeated. It can only be outworked!! Get booked! or [email protected]
Last week, we spent the most beautiful week in the Caribbean. It was a truly dreamy little escape from life. The Cayman Islands are absolutely beautiful, I’d like to tell you about my trip, and hopefully inspire you to visit this beautiful country. They say #CaymanKind, and they mean that the people of the islands are welcoming; I found this to be very true. During the evening, we did what everyone should do in Grand Cayman – watched the gorgeous sunset over Seven Mile Beach. My mission is to see first-hand why the Cayman Islands are regarded as the world’s friendliest islands and one of the best destinations for family travel. We’re guests of the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism. Diving into the planning process revealed much more than crystal clear blue water. Things to do in Grand Cayman include bucket list experiences for us from riding swimming ponies bareback to kayaking bioluminescent bays. And, that’s just the beginning as our itinerary will reveal. We flew from Houston to Miami, I found tickets for 60. I found a great set of flights on Southwest Airlines that departs Fort Lauderdale for $71 dollars! it does take a full day to get to the Caribbean from the West Coast but it’s always so worth it. We fly back to Houston via American Airlines, which was 200 dollars! The hotel was nice and offered free Breakfast. We saved over 400.00 dollars with this trip. We also spent the day at Cayman Turtle Farm. It a must stop, when you visit. It’s an internationally renowned research and conservation centre for sea turtles that also provides up-close experiences for guests. I read they’ve bred and released over 31,000 turtles to date. We’ll take a tour and snorkel with the turtles. Our hotel, offered discounts to the local restaurants! The Cayman Islands are one of the most picturesque locations in the Caribbean, popular with vacationers and cruise-goers alike. In other words, visiting Grand Cayman is a truly relaxed vacation, and not our normal style of go-go-go travel! Cayman seems dissimilar to other places we’ve visited in the Caribbean. Grand Cayman is safer and its cities are better-developed, for starters. While over 2 million people visit the Cayman Islands each year, it feels less touristy than other Caribbean islands. There’s much more to Grand Cayman than the tourist side, and even the areas of heavy development don’t have that vibe to them. One thing that strikes me about Grand Cayman is its diversity: expats slightly outnumber native Caymanians. This is true even in the tourism sector, and it a point that’s illustrated by Rum Point. There, a sign post shares the origin of the staff and crew at the businesses, and a dozen or so countries are represented, including locations in Europe and Australia. This seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, elsewhere in Grand Cayman, too. Get booked |
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